Hem Cho Oyu It is Weather on Cho Oyu

It is Weather on Cho Oyu

Väder på Cho Oyu
Väder på Cho Oyu

Undeniably there is weather on Cho Oyu. At almost -40 degrees C and winds up to 100 km/h (62 mi/h) today’s icy road and plus two in Stockholm seems a complete joy. To see the current weather on Cho Oyu please follow this link: Mountain Forecast.

Am I really ment to do this??? I sincerely hope that September is a warmer month on the mountain.

Today it feel totally right to have spent 1 000 kronors on a couple of heat soles for my boots – totally right.

Hotronic - värmesulor
Hotronic – heat soles

Now I’m off to look for my warmest wool knickers.


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