Hem Climbing More Deaths in the Mountains

More Deaths in the Mountains

Bärare Nepal
Bärare Nepal

In Nepal, they still count saved, missing and unfortunately deaths, after the storm that hit Nepal.

Officially around 40 people have died. Five swedes were saved the other day by helicopter, but the Swedish foreign department (UD) states that they cannot say for sure that all people of Swedish nationality are accounted for. Svd – Svenskar räddade i Nepal

Last month Andreas Fransson and Jean-Philippe Auclair died in an avalanche in Chile. (Freeride – Andreas Fransson dead in Avalanche) The very same day Liz Daley dies in an avalanche in Argentina. (Outsideonline – Liz Daley Killed in Avalanche)

Sometimes risks are so very evident. We expose ourselves to risks of different kinds on a dayli basis – but many times we only feel and react when risk hits someone we can relate to or know. It’s very healthy to be aware of the risks – only through this can one try to avoid and/or minimize the risks.

And let’s not forget those who expose themselves to risk because others want to realize their dreams. Please read the below article about this important subject.

Babu Chiri Sherpa Plaque
Babu Chiri Sherpa – minnesplakett

NY Times – Mourning After Nepal Storm Resonates Across Borders


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